
Slaying Dragons on the Road: Traveling into the Unknown Raw and Real

Oh – My – God! 

And while I am writing it, I am literally emphasizing each syllable. 

It’s been ages since I wrote something here for you guys and I am happy to be writing again!

You know, there’s this voice inside telling me, “Write… share your stories!” But then there’s this lazy, procrastinating, perfectionist part holding me back— asking, “Where do I even begin?” 

Well, today, I decided to ‘Slay the Dragon’, tapping into my inner voice and expressing it raw and real. Heads up, beautiful conscious creator—this may not be your typical diamond-studded, polished blog, but it will be authentic, that’s a promise!

Let me begin with the December Dilemma…

With December fast approaching, I know it is that time of the year to hit the road again, which I absolutely love. But, it’s also a mixed bag of feelings. 

I’ve got to wrap up my stuff and put certain things on hold while travelling. Not to forget, the added baggage of being away from my family for a month (or more sometimes)—that’s tough. 

A big and hearty shout out to my two beautiful kids Zeeva and Nirvaan, who are 6 and 8, respectively. They are completely detached and miraculous in their own ways. 

If not for their conscious role in my life and unsaid understanding, and permission, it would have been impossible for me to don the shoes of this Bold-Fearless woman, who strives for the skies!

New Countries, Thousands of People and Journeying into the Unknown!

As I’m gearing up to travel to new countries. I’m excited about meeting individuals from all walks of life and listening to their experiences. Woah, how magickal is that! WooHoo!

Well, I’ve decided to share all my day-to-day experiences and keep you updated with my stories and sharing. Let’s begin with the first leg of my trip.

The Malaysia-India Plan!

I’ve been planning for a long time to visit Malaysia to meet the Pyramid Masters and attend a Meditation Event. 

It is now a manifested reality!!! 

I was invited to an event on December 2, which syncs perfectly with my India Trip as I usually head to my birthland around this time. Nothing could have been more perfect than heading to India, via Malaysia.

Unforgettable Ticket Saga…

Here goes the story… The organizers booked a one-way ticket for me to Malaysia through a travel agent. Most of the flights from LA to Malaysia had a stopover in Asia, some with just a 2-hour stop. 

Since I haven’t travelled much in this part of the world, my last trip to South Asia was to Hong Kong, as a kid… I requested an itinerary with a three to four-hour layover, not too long but just enough.

Finally, they sent me an itinerary that looked good – Los Angeles to Tokyo with a 4-hour halt and then from Tokyo to Malaysia. 

Sounds great, right?

Well, here comes The Tokyo Twist…

After a few days of finalizing all bookings, I checked my itinerary and realized I was landing at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport but leaving from Narita Airport. And that, my friends, was a 2.5-hour journey to Tokyo. 

This was not it. This itinerary came with no refunds or changes allowed. I was now rendered clueless as to how to navigate this. I was stuck!

A Friend in Need

Without a second thought, I called my dear friend Soumya Uppaluri, asking her if any pyramid masters in Tokyo could help. 

Through her connections, we connected with one of our Pyramid Masters, Madhu Gajjala from Germany, who introduced us to a contact in Tokyo.

The universe has mysterious ways of unfolding miracles on our path to purpose!

An Unexpected Welcome

This contact, a Spiritual Master Sivaram and his wife Deepika, a Hatha Yoga Practitioner, welcomed me with open hands and an even open heart. 

They not only picked me up from the airport but also offered me a stay at their home as I had rebooked another flight from Tokyo, about 20 hours later. It was all orchestrated so well, as Sivaram had come to the Airport to see off Deepika to India and at the same time, he received me from the airport for my journey onwards…

It was truly miraculous and a Divine Plan unfolding!

The Lesson of Oneness in Disguise

When you’re connected to the oneness of the universe, you meet masters everywhere, without doubts or questions. 

You’re just flowing in the moment, trusting. That’s what I saw in this great man.

He cooked delicious sambar for us and there I was, having freshly prepared hot sambar in Tokyo. What more could I ask for?

The Adventure Continues…

The journey has just begun, and there’s much more to share and experience. Keep following my blog to learn more about my travel adventures.

It’s going to be raw, real, and unfiltered!


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