
New Moon Manifestation Ritual (Free Abundance Affirmation Kit Inside)


Hey Beautiful, It’s New Moon soon and it’s time to plant some seeds of manifestation!

Yes, the New Moon is ‘round the corner and what more?

We have moved into a season of Eclipses—


The First Eclipse has just passed, on 5-6th June 2020, on Full Moon

The Second Eclipse will be on 21st June 2020, on New Moon

The Final Eclipse will occur on 5th July 2020, on Full Moon


It is a power-packed time and an opportunity for you to create and manifest your reality!

During this time;

…Set Intentions

…Release Past Baggage

…Invite in New Possibilities!


Let me tell you an incredible story… In the past, even when I was not conscious of the New Moon’s potent energies, I always did all this ritual I’m about to share with you in a moment. Later, when I began researching the power of manifesting, New Moon energy was one of the first things I discovered. I was so surprised to find out there was a connection, I never even knew about!

Ever since my discovery, over two years ago, I’ve been perfecting my New Moon ritual for maximum manifesting power! Do you have any goals and plans you really want to achieve and make a reality? 

Yes? Great! You can use my manifesting ritual and see the tremendous results as I did. Try it for yourself and witness the magic you can work in your life.


Step 1: Getting Clarity

This is the first basic step and it is the most important of all. Many people might not know this, or they may take it for granted, but this is indeed the most important part of manifesting. Even if you got all the other parts wrong, but you are clear about exactly what you want, you are halfway there! So, think about what is it; that you want to experience, remove the limiting thoughts and allow your mind to dream really, really big. 

Ask yourself, touching the deepest recess of your heart, “What do I really want?” Maybe it’s money, or to move location or a specific opportunity—there are no right or wrong answers. The most important aspect is, it should matter and mean something to you.


Step 2: Wish List and Setting Intentions

The next step will give you a chance to get a bit creative as you need to make 3 wishes (Remember wishes are different from setting intentions).

What is that you want to experience now? 

Maybe more money in your bank account?

Maybe a new house? 

Or Attract the perfect mate?

Jot down these wishes on a piece of paper (remember to keep a positive mindset). Usually, in a New Moon wish-making ritual, it is asked of people to burn the paper, however, it is your choice if you want to keep that paper or burn it away. Once you make your wishes it’s time to set some intentions that will support your goals for the next month.

Why a month? 

Well, because you’re manifesting for this lunar cycle – that is, until the New Moon comes around again next month. So, get to thinking…

What do I want to accomplish in this lunar cycle?

If you have a short goal to achieve in the short term then great! You’re all set.

If you have a bigger goal, break it down into smaller steps. Which steps can be taken this month?

Make sure the intentions you set for the month are not outrageous or completely unbelievable to your subconscious mind. For example, “I’ll earn a million dollars this month,” is not feasible (for most of us)!

So it shouldn’t be a far-fetched dream, instead, it should be a powerful intention to help you in pushing your limits just enough, rather you can put your intention for something to set the momentum right; to earn that million dollars a month soon!

Go on, take a moment to write down your intentions for this lunar cycle. Try to think of 3 to 5 goals.


Step 3: LET IT GO!

In order to invite something new in your life, you need to make room for it.

That’s an uncompromisable ‘Law of the Universe’. So how do we work with this law while manifesting? You must realize that to accomplish the goals you have intended for in Step 2, you will have to let some things go. Letting go can be anything—a bad habit, toxic relationship, addiction, self-destructive thoughts or anything that does not serve your purpose in life.

What are you willing to let go so you can bring in new energies?

For instance…

If your intention is ‘I have the intention of reading 1 book this month’, then you could say ‘I’m willing to watch TV every day only for an hour instead of 3 hours and I will read a book in that time.’

If your intention is to set boundaries with your work/life balance, then you could say, ‘I will not check my work email once I’m home. I’ll also set some specific times that I absolutely cannot bring work in my personal space and time.’

If your intention is to move from anxiety into a state of peace, then you could say, ‘I’m willing to trust the universe and let go of the need to know how and when things manifest.’

Go ahead and think of the things you can let go in order to create space for what you really want!


Step 4:  Write Affirmations

If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I love affirmations. They have such potent power if done right, it can really turn the tables for you!

‘Affirmations’ is a great tool to implant your goals directly into your subconscious, making it much more likely that your dreams will manifest into reality. 

How does that happen?

Our subconscious is tapped into the wider power of the Universe. It’s a part of us that’s more powerful than we understand or can imagine! New Moon is one of the best times to say your affirmations, because of the ‘new’ energy in the air all around us. Create your affirmations and you’re well on the way to seeing your goals manifest right before your eyes!

Download my free Abundance Affirmations HERE.


Step 5: Amplify your intention!

Did you know you can amplify your intentions to make your manifesting stronger? 

You can intensify your vibration and frequency so that the Universe can ‘hear’ what you’re asking for; loud and clear! I am all about manifesting quickly and effectively and to do that, my favourite method is to layer up vibrations or ‘Vibrational Layering’.

Here are 4 of my favourite techniques to get your signal out and loud into the Universe, totally SUPERCHARGED!


1.Crystal Grid

Creating and activating a crystal grid on a New Moon is my absolute powerhouse tool for manifestation. Personally, I’m deeply connected to archangel Metatron; so I  mostly choose a Metatron grid template for my crystal grids. (You may notice me wearing a Metatron pendant in every video and photo, and my business logo is Metatron.)

For the New Moon, my go-to stones are Moonstone, Selenite and Labradorite, along with Clear Quartz Crystal Points.


Candles are a beautiful addition to bring in the vibration of the Sun, the creator being, Ra. You can use plain candles or dress them and place them in different formations. The colours you select, the fragrance you choose—it’s all up to you. Every colour and fragrance has it own meaning. 

3. Essential Oils

Oh, I love essential oils! 

Not only do they raise your frequency but they also elevate the mood and set the ambience right for welcoming the New Moon Energies. Lavender and frankincense are few of my favourites.

4. Pyramids

For me, no ceremony, event or ritual is complete without adding the powerful frequencies of the Pyramids. Pyramids amplify the frequency by raising the vibration and they are super powerful tools to work with while setting our intentions.


Step 6: Releasing Outcome Attachments

The last step, the key to activating your desire is to let go of the ‘when’ and ‘how’. We love to be in control and know exactly how things are going to happen. But let’s get real… when has life ever worked like that? When we are focused on control, competition and judgment, our vibration lower down, making it less likely that our dreams will come true.

At this point in the manifestation process, we are already connected to the collective grid. All we need to do is just “BE” in the now, and allow the magic to happen! You must remember to release all your attachments to the outcome and just enjoy the process.


But wait!


Before you begin your New Moon ritual, here are some of my top tips about preparation:


⇒  You can really make this an intense ceremony or it can be a quick 10-minute ritual. There is no right or wrong method here. Really go with what works for you, no guilt, no shame. 

⇒ Before you start your New Moon ritual, make sure you clean the space that you are going to use physically, sweeping and dusting etc. Also, allow the light and air to come in by opening the windows.

⇒ Clear the space energetically using your favourite method (e.g. smudge/hand sweep/sound tuning etc).

⇒ I also play some high vibe music prior to the ceremony to raise the frequency of the space.


Okay, now here’s a quick recap of the method, and I’ll show you my personal process that I follow for my New Moon rituals.


First, I start with the clearing and grounding.

Second, Write my wishes (3 wishes).

Third, Set Intentions that support my wishes.  (I go crazy with colours/ pictures).

Fourth, Release belief systems/habits that no longer serve me.

Fifth, Affirmations.

Last but not least, Activate Crystal Grid (Amplifying the process)


→ Pro Tip: I also charge my water with new moon energies and drink it all month while doing my morning affirmations.


Finally, End with Meditation!

See how easy and powerful this is? Do you feel the change already?

You can really do it, too! 

I hope you take some tips from this and make your own New Moon ritual.

Do not forget to share your comments, also, you could add your own tips for making this ritual even more powerful! This is your sacred space, just open up!




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