Not Getting Enough Sleep?
My Two Favorite Tips for Getting Better Sleep If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re not alone. Studies say more than 1in 3 adults in the US sleep less than 6 hours per night. That’s far less than the recommended 8-10 hours for optimal health. Stress at the...
3 Powerful Tips: How To Take Your Power Back
Do you sometimes feel clueless in your relationship with others? Do you feel like you are completely drained in your being and you’d rather be dead than live this pathetic excuse, you call life? Everything bothers you and you mostly feel worthless. There’s this...
New Moon Manifestation Ritual (Free Abundance Affirmation Kit Inside)
Hey Beautiful, It’s New Moon soon and it’s time to plant some seeds of manifestation! Yes, the New Moon is ‘round the corner and what more? We have moved into a season of Eclipses— The First Eclipse has just passed, on 5-6th June 2020, on Full Moon The...
Five Simple Steps to Strengthen Intuition: An Essential Tool for Success
Clients who come to me for help with stressful situations at work frequently have trouble making decisions. They experience stress over day to day workplace decisions, decisions about the future of their careers, and also their home life. Should I look for a new job...